Career Development
To find the perfect next position you need a coach to help you identify exactly what you are looking for and a career consultant to advise you how to find it
Getting Started
Four Working Documents that will accompany an effective job search. These documents will never be seen by others, but they will make your job hunt effective, efficient and well targeted.
Personal Profile
A comprehensive personal collection of skills, strengths and preferences, weaknesses and dislikes. All areas where you have received education, experience, training, recognition. What do you enjoy? What do you never want to deal with again? What is important to you?
Master CV
A tabular CV that contains all elements you may ever want to put in any CV you submit. This extensive document will be the starting point for all CVs actually submitted. For each position it will contain descriptions, a number of success stories and other relevant information. The CV will be shortened and adapted to fit the relevant job description.
One glance CV
As you activate your network to help you find more opportunities, you should give them a simple document or link that they can share. This document needs to be easy to read at a glance and tell your story well.
Key Experiences
What experience do you have in a certain field? What were your successes? How do you manage conflict? Collect and succinctly describe your experiences and successes. Judiciously used, these will make your cover letter stand out and your CV interesting and relevant. It will also prepare the ground for great interview responses.